02 May 2018

In this topic Team 365 would like to give you some advices about resumes or where to apply for a student job in Belgium.

Tip of this month

The lay-out of your resume can differ according to the sector

There is not a typical lay-out for a Belgian resume. It is however typical to limit your resume to one page. We can also advise you to think about the sector you are applying for. If you have a financial resume, keep it formal and well organised. And it is better to stick to the colour black.

However, if you are trying to find a job in a more creative sector, you can think out of the box and do something more creative with this document. Colours are used for this type of resumes. For ideas, check out pinterest and search cv template.

It is also good to know that it is rather uncommon to add a photo to your resume and we do not really recommend you doing so unless you are applying for a job where physical looks are very important.

by Kingdom Of Design